
Showing posts from December 20, 2005

All Stirred Up!

“Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these [truths of the Gospel], even though you already know them , and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right…to stir you up by way of reminder,” – 2 Peter1:12-13 I find this time of year, that it is easy to quickly rehearse the Christmas story and, because I have heard it so many times, gloss over it, and not give it the attention it deserves. I know the story well. I could quote it to you without thinking. 2+2=4! Virgin Mary + Baby Jesus = Christmas Story! Shepherds x Wiseman = rocking party + (cool gifts) 3 . It’s formulaic. Here just days away from Christmas, I need my heart stirred up by way of reminder. I need to be reminded that the God of the ages, who is too awesome to be contained by the heavens, put on flesh and lived the human life for thirty-three years. I need to be reminded that God submitted not only to a human life, but submitted to nine months in the womb; submitted to being