
Showing posts from March 29, 2006

Give Up!

I have to confess to all of you, I am a blog junkie. For those of you who are wondering, a blog is not an illegal narcotic. Rather, it is a web based publishing format. Blog is short for "Web Log." In fact, all of the articles I have written here over the past year are available on a blog. You can visit it at "" This past week I was reading the blog of a friend, and he brought up the difficulty of keeping the Lenten fast. He said, The things that I choose to give up are proving much more challenging than I anticipated. I actually considered breaking my vow, because I didn't see the point anymore. I don't think I'm abstaining out of a love or remembrance of Christ, I think I'm just keeping my word because it makes me feel noble to make a difficult vow and keep it. I thought about what he said for a while, and would like to share with you my response. We don't give things up for Lent because we love Jesus so