
Showing posts from June, 2007

Planning and Flow in Worship (Part 1)

I just returned from our Annual Conference at Sky Lodge Camp in Wisconsin. I had the pleasure of conducting a workshop on the planning and flow of worship. I want to take a moment and share some thoughts from that session. It is important to note that I am approaching this topic from the angle of modern forms of worship. The principles, however, translate to all forms of worship. For those of us who are using more modern music in our worship, we have an extra step as we plan for our worship. In days past, our denomination gathered Godly men and women together to examine our music. About every ten years, they would put together a hymnal for our use, that contained songs that were theologically deep and orthodox. They separated them out by theme, and indexed the for us. This made planning far easier. In addition only a very few songs were added from previous editions, and so familiarity assisted with ease of planning as well. Today however, songbooks that are available for our use are no