
Showing posts from October 24, 2008

What’s It Worth To You?

I’ve told you my personal definition of worship, but let’s press a little further today. I’ve often thought that "Worship" is a funny word. Take a look at it. W O R S H I P . Have you ever wondered how those letters came to represent our adoration of God? Maybe I’m just a little too analytical, but I've often wondered from where we derived that word. If you're thoroughly curious now, and even if you're not, here's the answer. Worship comes from Old English. It is derived from two words, worth + ship. The original meaning is "to ascribe worth to." When we worship God we are attributing worth to Him. It is important to note that worship does not measure the actual worth of a person or object, but rather how much worth is ascribed to that person or object. By showing up on Sunday morning, you are saying, "God, you are worth at least two hours of my time and attention." By volunteering in the church or in any Christian mission, you are saying,