
Showing posts from September 27, 2009

Whose Voice? Part II: Where is your Pasture?

"My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me." —John 10:27 Last week, we spoke about the place God's voice takes in our lives. It is a topic that has stuck with me all week, perhaps more than any previous article topic. As I reflected on last week’s homework, Examine the voices in your day, both the voices of people, and of habits (e.g. How loud is the voice of your computer or TV compared to the voice of God?). Examine and set priorities based on your desire for the Shepherd’s voice in your life, the question that embedded itself in my mind was, "Where is your pasture?" It's such a simple question, yet it is heavy with connotation. The first question it raises is one of shepherds. Who or what am I letting shepherd me? Is it the TV Guide? Is it the Blogosphere or Facebook? Is it my favorite author? When I have a moment of free time, whose is the first voice I seek to help me fill it? I find myself, too often, following a different shepherd. To cl