
Showing posts from October 4, 2009


Ekklesia is a new Sunday Evening service focused on intentional community. Here at Faith, we do community well. Through small groups like Sunday School classes, Knitters, Choir, UMW and UMM, we care for one another like a family. Here at Faith, we care for one another, work together in mission, pray for and with one another, as well as worship together. In so many ways, this church family really operates as a family. As we began talking about starting the evening service, we asked the question, what does our surrounding community need? What does South Tulsa really long for? We thought of facebook and twitter, myspace, linkedin, and a number of other social networking sites. We also thought of garage door openers that allow us to get into our homes without human contact. We see in our culture a desire to be connected, but in general a difficulty in actually doing so. The thing that the culture longs for, our life habits and technology actually prevent us from achieving. Even those who