
Showing posts from May 2, 2010

Songs of the Spirit

"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; theyonly saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth." —Hebrews 11:13 The past few months I have immersed myself in the songs produced by the slavery of a people. Many of these people were enslaved by those who at the very least called themselves Christian. In those circumstances, it would be very easy, and even excusable, for those slaves to shun Christianity, and look with mistrust to God. Yet these songs are filled with hope and trust in God. They serve as examples for us, that even in the midst of oppression and slavery, one can trust in God and worship him for his faithfulness. They looked back in scripture and saw that God had delivered a people from slavery before, and they trusted that he would again. Let us learn from those who have gone before us. Those who had nothing can teach us everything! Ou