
Showing posts from May 9, 2010


"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far has the LORD helped us.'" —1 Samuel 7:12 Long before Scrooge came on the scene, Ebenezer was around. Ebenezer is a word that means “Stone of Help.” Ebenezer was a large stone that Samuel set up to serve as a reminder to the people of God that it was the Lord who had brought them success. Whenever they walked by that stone, they would remember that they lived in peace and safety because of God’s action in their lives. On several occasions in my life, God has done something significant, and I have said to myself, “This is something I will never forget!” But day moves on to day, year on to year, and inevitably the significance of that day or event slips away. I may still enjoy the benefits of God’s action that day, but often God is forgotten. Samuel understood this, and so he selected something lasting, in his case, a stone. Then he made a memory, a ceremony to