
Showing posts from June 13, 2010


The sound is deafening. Metal against stone; earth against earth. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Chisel wins the battle and a hunk of rock flies off the stone and skitters across the floor. The stonemason stops for a moment to examine his work. Any flaw left in the stone will not only effect the aesthetics of the building, but will effect every stone placed after it, and could effect the strength of the building. This stone must fit with the angles of the cornerstone, or it is of no use in the building. The strong, calloused hands of the stonemason brush away the grit left over from the last few blows of the chisel, revealing a few more jagged edges and bumps that must be smoothed away. And so the stonemason picks up his hammer and chisel and continues to work. He will work on this stone until it is smooth; until it fits into the plans he has for the building. When he is finished, he will lift the stone into place, and there it will support the weight of the roof, and protec