Intimate Encounter

We have often heard the metaphor of “the Body of Christ,” and it provides us an excellent picture with how we should behave toward one another and toward the world. Just as a healthy body cannot be at war with itself, so we as Christians must honor one another as fellow members of the Body. And just as Christ reached out to the poor and helpless, the lost and broken, so we as his Body must continue to do the same.

When it comes to worship, however, there is a better analogy. Scripture talks about the church being the “Bride of Christ.” (Isa. 62:5 / 2 Cor. 11:2 / Rev18-22) What a picture this brings! We are the betrothed of God! For those of you who are married, think back to you engagement period. For those of you who aren’t, imagine it. Do you remember the sheer joy at being in the same room together? Do you remember how everything else was laid aside in order to have more time together? Troubles didn’t seem quite as big. And it seemed like everything was going to work out just right!

We, as the Bride of Christ, have this opportunity every week in worship! We get to be in the same room as our doting Husband! We can unload our worries and fears on him, and he doesn’t even mind! This week, as you come to worship, remember that you are the Bride of Christ. He longs to rejoice with us when we succeed, to comfort us when we mourn, to fill us with peace when we are stressed, and to love us at all times. So as you drive toward the church building, stop whatever conversation you were having in the house, and take the drive-time to reflect on what it means to be in Christ’s presence as his Bride.

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