
“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things.” NIV Philippians 4:8

We are bombarded everyday with images of war, terror, death, corruption, natural disasters, famine, disease, and that’s just the six o’clock news! All day long, despair attempts to break in to our thought life. Yet, as Christ’s emissaries we are to be a light of hope in this world. How can we radiate hope when everything around us is oppressed by hopelessness? We start by choosing carefully what thoughts we give place to. Paul has provided a filter that, if we use, will feed the hope within us.

This week’s homework, consciously apply the “thought filter” from Philippians 4:8 to each thought that enters your mind, and choose to dwell on those thoughts which fit the list, while dismissing the others. Then sit back and watch how you increasingly become the light of Christ to your friends and colleagues.

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