Stronger Shoulders

There are some who believe that when you become a Christian everything will turn out all right. I have known many who accepted Christ joyfully, but became disillusioned because life continued to be hard. But Jesus never promised us that life would be easy. God never assured us that we would avoid pain. In fact, Jesus said exactly the opposite. John 15:20, "No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." And in John 16:33, "I have told you these [difficult] things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In this is our hope: Not that all our problems will disappear, but that the one who faced these problems, and overcame them, walks with us.
Now, I know that no one here believed that life would right itself as soon as you accepted Christ. So why write this article? Many times in my own life I faced a difficult situation, and prayed for God to remove it. But in doing so, I neglected the incredible gift God gives us. In the above passage, Jesus spends over a chapter giving the disciples the bad news of all the horrific things that would happen to them for following Him. But when he finished with the bad news, he said something very odd. "I have told you these [difficult] things, so that in me you may have peace." Even in the midst of trials, even in the midst of pain, God offers us peace. Even in the midst of turmoil, God offers us a calm spirit; a peace that passes understanding. When difficulties arise, we seldom forget to pray, but often we don't pray for the right things. We forget to pray for peace, for hope, and for the presence of Christ to be made real to us in the midst of those circumstances. We often pray that God would take away the burden, when the thing for which he wants us to pray is stronger shoulders to carry the weight.
Homework this week is simple. Each morning when you wake, and each evening before bed, pray a short prayer asking God to give you His peace. We will be amazed at the difference it makes. For further study, read and meditate on Rom. 5:3-5

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