Making Space: or "How I Lost My Closet"

Almost three years ago, shortly after my wedding, I lost half of my closet. Those of you who are married know how lucky I am to have more than a fourth of it. One day I walked into my closet, and realized that I could no longer find anything. It had all moved. I learned that "off-season" clothes go under the bed in a specialized zippered bag. I learned that I didn't really need the space that I had grown accustomed to.

All of my necessities could actually fit in a much smaller space. And honestly, it was quite easy for me to relinquish control of that closet (and many other areas of the house.) It was easy, because I was delighted with what was occupying the space. It was easy because the space vacated by my "winter overflow" is now occupied with dresses, skirts, and blouses. Every time I look in the closet, I am reminded that I am loved. The space that I gave away is nothing in comparison to what I gained.

As we enter the sanctuary each Sunday morning, we are invited to make space for the Divine lover of our souls. It requires some rearranging and re-centering. We have to reorder our thoughts and priorities, shifting our attention from ourselves to God. As we prepare for worship each Sunday, we endure the trials of getting children ready for church; putting up with our spouse who is always late; putting up with our spouse who is always rushing us; keeping our cool as we tolerate Sunday drivers; not to mention a hundred other things I haven't listed. But the Spirit of God wants our closet space.

The room that stress occupies on Sunday morning is the space where God wants to hang His peace. Finally, we make it in the building, and make our way to the sanctuary only to find that some visitor is sitting in our seat! We find a seat as close as possible to our normal spot, and pull out the bulletin to see what God is going to do this week. But God wants our closet space. Just like my winter clothes, our routines are not bad things. When it gets cold, I need my sweaters, and there are times when our routines are comforting. But the Spirit of God has some things we may never have seen that He wants to hang up. If we choose to make space for the Spirit's will, every time we look at our worship we will be reminded that we are loved. The space that we give away is nothing in comparison to what we will gain.

Homework this week: as we enter the sanctuary, pray the prayer, "Holy Spirit, would you reveal to me the thoughts, expectations, and attitudes that I need to move into storage in order for Your will to be done in worship today."

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