
"The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness." —Isaiah 38:19

Life is busy. We all have places to go and people to see. It is easy to get caught up in the doldrums and monotony of life, but to do so we miss out on a hundred joys that each moment has to offer. There are any number of inspirational phrases that encourage us to live in the moment — "stop and smell the roses", "Carpe Deum." — Somehow we know that it is in these infinitesimal moments and not in the grandeur of our plans, that we will find joy.

I have heard it said that the present is where time intersects with eternity. The past cannot be changed, and the future cannot be known. It is only in the present that we can make a difference. It is only right now that I can have the relationship with God that I desire. Yesterday cannot be changed, tomorrow cannot be known. It is only today that I can live for God. Only now, in this moment.

But moment leads on to moment. Task leads on to task. We are easily overcome by the urgency of the generally insignificant. And all of the sudden, tomorrow begins ruling our lives. We don't have time for anything right now because tomorrow is the big meeting. Tomorrow the kids leave for college. Tomorrow I'll get that promotion. Tomorrow I'll have more time. But tomorrow never comes and a million moments are washed away into yesterday.

Perhaps for you, there was an event so devastating in your yesterday, that memories, sorrows, or regrets crowd out any possibility for a joyful today. Yesterday takes up so much of your attention that you shuffle through your today, and so tomorrow never comes.

We need a reset button. Something to help us focus our attention on what is set before us. I believe that God gave us that reset button in the seasons of the church. Throughout the year we are given several "reset" points, where we have an opportunity to focus our attention on Jesus; to stop the whirling thoughts in our head, and meditate on Christ.

It is found throughout life, it is true when driving a car, it is true when waking or running, it is true when plowing a field — you go where you look. What has your attention has all of you. Today, in this moment, fix your eyes on Jesus. Today, in this moment, spend time communing with God through prayer and the reading of scripture.

Homework this week:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

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